Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Batman Voice WIN

You know how sometimes when it is late at night you get in that weird state of mind where you are too tired to really be awake but too awake to go to sleep? For me, this is the time where I will laugh uncontrollably at any thing that is remotely funny.

Last night I experienced just this situation. I honestly laughed so hard when I watched this video that tears were coming out of my eyes.

If you have not see Batman Begins or Dark Knight you may not see why this impression is funny. I suggest checking out Christian Bale's "Batman voice" first.

Note: Yes, I realize this isn't the funniest thing ever, but it is still awesome.



  1. If I had the option to change it I wouldnt because I feel that his voice was one of the things that made the movie enjoyable for me. It wouldnt be the same without his voice.very nice post.

  2. I think Christian Bales portrayal of batman is the best ever and love his Batvoice too(where are they?just love it).But lately I have been going through yahoo q&a and many of them seem to hate the voice thing he does.Do you like the voice thing he does and also whose the best batman?

  3. Yes it is too much overrated and too long winded movie but Heath did very well as The Joker i think he can win best supporting actor.
