Friday, January 15, 2010

A Non-Freakout Christmas Kid

I'm sure that by now we are all familiar with the "kid gets video game system for Christmas and completely loses his mind" videos, such as this year's Xbox 360 Kid and and the classic (and best ever) Nintendo 64 Kid.

Earlier today I saw a video that is going around of a kid that is...wait for it...extremely thankful for his gift and expresses it in a socially approved way. It is a sort of sad commentary that a kid acting SANE is an anomaly video. I present it here for your enjoyment.

When I saw this video today the cynic that lives inside my head shed a single silent tear.

Don't tell anyone.

HT: lowtek



  1. A sleeping that a toy? It counts! It was very comfortable. I used to go stair sledding in it and used to scared my little sister by getting in it the wrong way and crawling on the floor like a giant slug...Ahhhh, good times. I miss my sleeping bag!

  2. You hear people all the time talking about how their earliest memories of Christmas was... And so on and so on. And also, you're spending a special time with your family.

  3. To give them experience! Even though it may seem as though they aren't aware of it, in their subconcious, they still register this memory. You hear people all the time talking about how their earliest memories of Christmas was...
