Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Weird Al EP - "Internet Leaks"

Ah, the greatness that is Weird Al. I have been rocking out to Weird Al on at least a weekly basis for, oh, over 20 years now. That's right. Anyway, Al has a new CD coming out sometime next year and has released an EP with a a few songs that will be on there. Videos for most of the songs are floating around so I present you with them now. You can download the EP by following the links below. Enjoy!

Weird Al on Twitter

Amazon Download

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Internet Leaks - EP

1. Whatever You Like

2. Craigslist

3. Skipper Dan
Click Here for Video

4. CNR
Click Here for Video

5. Ringtone
Click Here for Video


Here is the video for "You're Pitiful", the parody of the James Blunt song that didn't make it onto the last album.


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