Monday, June 29, 2009

Two movies I want to see

Outside of the heavy promoted summer blockbusters and DVD releases there are often good movies just waiting to be seen. Here are the trailers for two movies that I am looking forward to checking out.

The Way We Get By
In Limited Release Now

"Since the first Gulf War in 1991, a group of veterans and townspeople from the area have greeted every troop flight that arrives or departs from Bangor International Airport. They’re so loyal to their mission that the airport set aside a permanent room for them.....“The Way We Get By” follows the lives of three troop greeters." from Hot Air

Official Site
Rotten Tomatoes

The Hurt Locker
Already Out, Coming Soon to DVD

"Kathryn Bigelow’s film, which was written by Mark Boal, manages to be many things at once—a first-rate action thriller, a vivid evocation of urban warfare in Iraq, a penetrating study of heroism and a showcase for austere technique, terse writing and a trio of brilliant performances.


The focal point is a three-man bomb squad working bravely and meticulously, on the streets of Baghdad in 2004, to disarm a succession of the improvised explosive devices that are killing civilians and soldiers alike. While all members of the squad are skilled professionals, one of them, Staff Sgt. William James (Jeremy Renner), has a special relationship with bombs. He loves the circuits that must be decoded, the detonators that must be disconnected. He loves the challenge presented by each bomb, the chance to taunt fate and come up a winner or go up in flames; it’s the ultimate form of a gambler’s high. (In military parlance, bombs send their victims to the locker of the title.)' from Joe Morgenstern via WSJ.
Bonus: I hear that The Hurt Locker does not have a political edge or stance on the war in either direction and can be enjoyed for what it is.

Rotten Tomatoes


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