Friday, May 22, 2009

The random photo love continues

An online map site has used one of my pictures for their Atlanta map. How weird is that?

Click here, it is on the right side.

Here is the original:


This isn't the first time a website has asked to use one of my photos. I don't say this to be prideful or to boast, I just find it very odd since I don't think they are that great. If you care, here is my other picture used on a site (the sleeping dog on the left).



  1. That's awesome babe! And if I remember correctly, I suggested you take a picture of those cranes on our way up to visit your sister. Now if we can just find a way to turn this into an income opportunity. =P

  2. HA! Good luck with that! I charge people and I'm still trying to turn things into an income opportunity. lol
