Monday, May 11, 2009

Some Change

Hmm, I can't seem to remember seeing Bush laugh at a 9/11 joke or a joke about hoping someone's kidneys fail. Is this that tolerant, open-mindedness to others' ideas thing that I keep hearing about? I'm glad we are finally bringing the country together!



  1. HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA! What? It was funny. You don't think it's funny to call someone a terrorist and hope they die as punishment for disagreeing with your crazy policies and ideas?

  2. It's funny that the Republican Party is supposed to be the party of God and morals, yet it's ok for them to hope that the leader of the country fails in his "crazy policies and ideas" that are meant fix the problems of his predecessor. I also love it when people say, "I will pray for our president" but turn around and criticize every single thing he does. I believe it would be more constructive for us to pray to God and rely on Him to sustain us rather than sit around ciriticizing a man that we may or may not have voted into office.

  3. I really, really hope that any policy involving the increase in size, power, and influence of the government fails - no matter who is President. Unfortunately, this seems to be nearly every policy we see from this administration. The "crazy policies and ideas" are not designed to fix the problems of the predecessor (hello, national debt skyrocket with no change) but are more designed to give the Democrats power for the next 40 years by getting everyone on the government teat. Once the government grows it is much harder to shrink it back down.

    I find it ironic you mention criticizing the President since he is pretty much getting a pass from the media and still has decent approval ratings with people while W was skewered by everyone and their brother the last 4 years. I know your statuses around election time weren't exactly loving towards Bush. I do pray for Obama and I mean my prayers. But, until his policies change, I won't support those policies just to 'play nice'. It's funny how the Left always says they want everyone to get along yet they always want to Right to come to them.

    What does any of that have to do with this video of Obama enjoying jokes about 9/11 and hoping someone dies? Guess you couldn't find a good spin on that, huh? =P

  4. My final word... If the tables were turned and it had been Bush laughing at a Ted Kennedy joke, the Dems and the entire media would be ready to string him up by his toenails, beat him, and then waterboard him.

    I call this administration's policies crazy because that is what they are in my opinion. Quadrupling the national deficit within the first 100 days of office is crazy! I thought Bush was crazy for the deficit he racked up! Telling the world that terrorist will be interrogated only using a few choice words is crazy because it makes us look weak. Spies and terrorist have nothing to fear... they have our President's guarantee and if we think that the other side will do us the same favor we are idiots. Signing into law a Stimulus Bill that is slap full of earmarks (which Obama said we needed to get away from!), not letting the American people even know what's in it, and claiming that it will produce jobs is crazy when large parts of the bIll don't even go into effect for 4 years and we spending money we don't have on pointless things that do NOT create jobs. I think throwing tons of tax payers money at private companies is crazy (and for the record I thought Bush was crazy for doing it before he left office). I think it's more crazy to tell these companies what they can and cannot do with the money we threw at them regardless of how frivolous it seems. They are private companies, and if the government didn't want them to do this or that, then they shouldn't have given them the money and should have let the free market take it's course. I think it's crazy to print the money you don't have to pay for the stuff you can't afford. Inflation is going to really hurt us. I can go on and on but I'm out of time. Oh and I really don't like for our President to bash this wonderful country. If Obama thinks America is arrogant and his wife has never been proud of this down right mean country until her husband ran for office, then why in the world do they want to represent such a horrible place? This administration has a lot of studying to do when it comes to foreign relations.

  5. Not to change the subject but why in the world are you awake at 5:21am Kristian!? Oh nevermind...I forgot you have a newborn on your hands. Get ready Kimberly!! =P

  6. I hate I missed a good debate! Maybe I'm not too late to jump on

    Party of God and morals? I would say there is no such thing in America. Political parties promote the selfish agenda of a few while pretending to represent many. The GOP has spent more time swindling people into believing that they are moral based on a few issues that get Christians all riled up. But, they are really as Jesus called the religious leaders of his day, white washed tombs with dead mens bones on the inside seeking to fill the pockets of the wealthy while filling their own to boot. And, the democrats sell the poor and under privileged on believing that they care and will be there to help in the time of need, but spend more time seeking popularity by giving special interest groups so-called freedoms. Both parties neglect many biblical truths and only seek to divide the loyalties of the people. The thing that sucks the most is that they draw Christians into debates such as this one when we have greater work to do on behalf of our true country of citizenship (a little place we like to call the kingdom of God, in case you haven't heard of it). People, we live in a post-Christian society whether you want to own up to it or not. So, the best thing for us to do is to be obedient to Matthew 28:18-20; and do it with haste rather than complaining about what American politicians are or are not doing! They're spending their time listening to lobbiests, not the Christian minority. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
