Monday, January 25, 2010

Death Troopers Book Trailer

If you aren't "in the know", an interesting thing that has been going on in book publishing is to make a trailer for a book in much the same way you would make one for a movie. No, it isn't just dramatic shots of someone reading or close-ups on chapter titles, but a full on trailer relaying a hint at the content of the book in hopes on leading you to check the book out.

Star Wars: Death Troopers
is a book I have very much been looking forward to reading. I mean, Star Wars + zomibes? Yes, please. I bought the book a month or two ago but have been distracted by a few other books (reviews coming soon!). I am almost done with my current book and may start Death Troopers next. Anyway, here is the trailer that I'm sure will make you run out and buy it for yourself.



  1. You will likely have to log in as a member its free and easy I think the last trailer I saw was for her book Dark Possession.nice.

  2. Is there any other books i have to read before Death Troopers?

  3. I was going to say excerpts from the book but that is in the question sorry there any other book.

  4. You see I have to make a book trailer for English class and I don't know if the music I'm using is legal.
