Saturday, April 4, 2009

Best. Worst. Movie.

Ok, who here has not seen Trolls 2 (PG-13. some language, no nudity)? If you haven't - and I assume that is most of you - then I highly recommend that you find yourself a copy (or borrow mine). Trolls 2 is truly the best worst movie ever; everything about the movie is just bad. It was supposed to be a horror film but I can't imagine it scaring anyone. Fortunately, bad movies usually tend to be great movies - for the wrong reason. There is a huge cult following for Trolls 2 and I watch it several times a year myself. It is one of those movies you casually quote or mention to a friend and when they say they haven't heard of it you get to freak out and make them watch it, thus creating a new fan.

One of the actors from the movie is all grown up now (the 'film' is 18 years old now) and has created a documentary about the movie and it's lasting appeal. The movie is called Best. Worst. Movie. and debuted this year. I cannot wait to see it! Below is a trailer and a clip of just one of the many, many bad scenes. Caution/; You are going to see some of the greatest acting all time in the second clip, lol.

HT: ExtraLife: I’m so excited about this documentary…

Buy it on Amazon.

Netlfix It.


1 comment:

  1. LOL I still have yet to see the entire movie, but I've seen some of the good parts.
