Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Geek or Nerd? Know the Difference

Even though I am probably the most awesome person you have ever met, this does not actually translate into "cooolness" very well. Anyone that has known me for any amount of time has heard me reply to the charge of 'nerd' with, "I'm not a nerd; I am not good at math and science. I'm a geek." I have said this countless times over the years and most of my friends finish the statement with me they have heard it so many times. I am in no way ashamed of my geek attributes and actually enjoy and propagate the label.

Today on Twitter I followed a link over to what I found to be pretty spot-on contrast of the two terms. I recommend you read it so you better know how to deal with the nerds/geeks in your life.

How to Tell the Difference Between Nerds and Geeks

Really, it's a very good description of each. It turns out I do have some nerd tendencies (despite not being good at it, I really enjoy science and history), though my geek gene is full-on dominant.

So, which are you? Let me know in the comments.

(And, yes, that is a real book. Click the picture for the link)

HT: The Inventrix

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I agree with the entire article. I've never thought of myself as a nerd before and this article would seem to suggest that my "geekdom", as they call it, is diluted with at least 40% nerd.
