Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Short List of Musicians I Wish Weren't Dead

I was listening to some music this morning while I did some work (yes, I did some actual work) and at some point noticed that most of who I was listening to today were dead. It made me think about who I wish was alive and still making awesome music. I'm not realyl talking about musicians that died from old age, rather, ones that died early. This is in no way exhaustive and is, in fact, a super short list. I realize people have different tastes and I'm sure some of you will be horrified I didn't put your favorite on here, but....it's my blog so deal with it. =P Feel free - and I highly encourage you - to bring up and link to who you miss in the comments section below.

I kept it pretty simple and just went with the three that immediately came to my mind.

Elliot Smith

Nick Drake

Jeff Buckley

I couldn't find any videos that would let me embed so you have to click the links to see the video.

Last Goodbye


Forget Her

Hallelujah - (you've heard this one for sure...)


1 comment:

  1. all such great stuff. nick drake was such a great artist, and buckley's version of hallelujah is really one of the most beautiful and timeless songs out there
