Wednesday, March 25, 2009

There's Environmentalism, and There's Crazy People

Last night a friend of mine showed me this video. After a few moments of stunned silence that this has been online for a few months and I had failed to stumble onto it yet, I began to enjoy it for what it was.

I am not an environmentalist in any modern political sense, but I do think we have a responsibility to be good caretakers of the Earth. God's glory is reflected in His creation and therefore I have an interest in that reflection staying as pure and accessible as possible. That being said, I have no problem with most of the things the more aggressive green folks have problems with and disagree with a lot of their set positions, such as global warming. Anyway, I hope that we can all enjoy laughing at the absurdity of this particular group.

And, of course, the parodies:


  1. You know we really can't be too hard on the tree loving hippies for crying over their dead friends. They are morning the loss of something important and our wastefulness is to blame. I think we all have something we cry over the loss of, even if it's not trees. For me, I am deeply saddened by the lost bread loaf end pieces that are just left to get hard and moldy. They are still bread, and should not be treated as lesser entities of the loaf. Yet everyday millions of end pieces are just thrown in the garbage. It such and outrage, and I want the bread to know that there are people out there who care about their ends.

  2. I apparently can't spell or type lol. I should proof things better.
